Sunday, January 7, 2018

Hero`s Ultimate frisbee lifestyle - 2014, 2015

I was really having an ultimate filled lifestyle in the years of 2014 and 2015. Most of my life decisions whether to visit a place or not, whether to have food outside, party or not were driven by ultimate commitments. If there were tournaments or frisbee related activity in a place, we would travel. Also our team were having a lot of foodies. Essentially, we used to travel for the love of disc, sometimes for food. We as a team were so engrossed in ultimate frisbee that we used to think, sleep and play ultimate mostly and the hours of the day were not enough for ultimate.

Broader details of how I used to manage it are given below:

On weekdays, the day used to start at 5AM wake up, going to ultimate practise by 6AM,  practise till 8AM and going to work by 9:30 to 10. Work from 10 to 5PM followed by gym till 7PM and dinner by 8PM. Reach home by 10PM or so and sleep
Since my work and office were in Bangalore North and South approx 36 kms away, and also the practise location used to be about 10-15 kms away from work. I used to get change of clothes and get a shower at friend`s place or else at work and change to work clothes.

In Bangalore, the traffic is such a problem that using cars is such a pain. If you get stuck in peak hour traffic the speed of travel goes to as less as 10km per hour. So, I had to use bike as the convenient mode of transport. But riding bike was a challenge for around 80km per day. I took the challenge to do it and so had to strengthen my body for this task. In a week of gym visit, I made it a point to streghten my back atleast once which would endure close to 400km of bike ride a week.

On Saturdays, the day used to start at 5AM as usual the practise used to go on till 8 followed by a leisurely breakfast and plan for evening meetup or an occassional party.

Sunday used to be rest day or a day with 6AM practise and rest to take care of the sleep deficit which I had to get over the week.

We used to travel to tournaments all over India - Mumbai, Ahmedabad, Chennai, Auroville, Hyderabad 
The travel was also driven by the love of ultimate - getting to test our skills as a team, working, playing as a coordinated team.

I really miss those days and wish I can become so much active now in the coming years and get a chance to represent India in masters` team for a world`s team(33 year old and above)


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  2. The Ultimate Hero!! Kudos to your "the ultimate" commitments.Wish your love for frisbee takes you to your dream.
